Brand Launches Made Easy!

Enter the realm of digital discovery, where every pixel holds the promise of a new adventure. Picture this: a landscape alive with anticipation, where every click and swipe holds the potential to turn into something extraordinary.

As an Account Director navigating the vast expanse of digital marketing, I’ve embarked on many journeys into the uncharted territory of brand launches. Join me as we unravel the secrets of seamless brand launches, weaving tales of creativity, strategy, and triumph in the ever-evolving saga of social media storytelling. Welcome to a world where imagination knows no bounds and every post is a portal to possibility.

Establish Your Digital Persona

Before setting sail into the vast sea of digital marketing, take a moment to sculpt your brand’s digital identity. Take stock of the audience that the brand wants to connect to and establish how their ideal audience would like to be spoken to. Define the tone of voice that resonates with your audience and curate a visual aesthetic that embodies your brand essence. Crafting a cohesive digital persona lays the groundwork for a memorable and impactful launch that leaves a lasting imprint on your audience’s minds.

Craft Captivating Content

In the realm of social media, content reigns supreme. Ultimately, what your audience will enjoy and engage with is the content that you put out. Hence, develop a content strategy that seamlessly blends storytelling with strategic messaging to captivate your audience’s attention. From an audience engagement perspective, your content should be relatable and intriguing at the same time.

Overall, your content strategy should align with the goals of the brand. From visually stunning imagery to compelling captions, each piece of content should serve as a beacon, guiding followers towards your brand with curiosity and intrigue. If your audience is intrigued, there is a much higher chance that they will contribute to key metrics like likes, comments, shares, etc.

Build Anticipation with Teasers

Being intriguing extends far beyond writing single posts or copies. The brand itself should take its audience through a journey. Through your messaging, take your audience through the brand’s story along different stages.

As the first step, ignite the flames of anticipation by teasing your audience with tantalizing glimpses of what’s to come. Whether it’s a teaser trailer, sneak peek images, or countdown posts, sow the seeds of excitement leading up to the grand unveiling of your brand. Harness the power of anticipation to build momentum and anticipation among your eager followers. Later, you can move on to posting content that includes the product/service of the brand as part of the launch phase. After the launch phase, you can post content that helps you carry the online share of voice you have earned forward into future activities you will do for the brand.

Foster Valuable Engagement

Social media is a dynamic ecosystem fueled by engagement. However, not every bit of engagement can be considered a success. The difference between your regular ol’ engagement and the valuable one is how many times it can be repeated. As opposed to someone that would interact with the brand once, it is more valuable to have someone constantly engage.

Cultivate meaningful interactions with your audience through polls, quizzes, and interactive content that invites participation. Foster a sense of community and connection that transforms passive followers into active advocates of your brand.

Harness the Power of Live Streaming

Take your brand launch to the next level by embracing the thrill of live streaming. Host live Q&A sessions, product demos, or exclusive behind-the-scenes tours to provide your audience with an immersive experience they won’t soon forget. Live content adds a human touch to your brand, fostering genuine connections with your audience in real-time.

Collaborate for Amplification

Expand your reach and credibility by forging strategic partnerships with influencers and brand ambassadors in your niche. Collaborative content allows you to tap into established audiences and leverage their influence to amplify your brand message. Choose partners whose values align with your brand for authentic and impactful collaborations that resonate with your audience.

Measure, Analyze, Optimize

Don’t rest on your laurels once the curtains close on your brand launch. Continuously monitor and analyze the performance of your social media campaigns. Track key metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversion rates to gain insights into what’s working and what’s not. Use these insights to refine your approach and optimize future brand launches for even greater success.


Launching a brand on social media is a thrilling adventure filled with endless possibilities. By embracing these strategies, you can navigate the ever-evolving landscape of social media with confidence and finesse, ensuring that your brand launch not only makes waves but leaves an indelible mark on your audience’s hearts and minds. So gear up, ignite your creativity, and let’s set sail towards digital greatness!

The Digital Dominoes We’re About to Tip: Trends to Look Out for This Year

Imagine a digital domino rally, not made of cold, hard plastic, but of the trends shaping our online world. Some seem innocuous, like a podcast whispering its way into the vast blogosphere. Others are behemoths, like AI’s hulking potential poised to reshape industries. In 2024, these trends will topple each other, creating a cascade of change that ripples through how we work, connect, and even entertain ourselves. Let’s grab a front-row seat and watch them fall, shall we?

Human skills will be essential for the uptake of AI

The irony is delicious. As AI’s tendrils reach further, the need for human touch intensifies. NTT’s CX report reveals that automation isn’t just about replacing us; it’s about amplifying our skills. But this hinges on one critical factor: closing the widening skills gap. Imagine a symphony where the violins are missing – that’s our current digital orchestra. Reskilling and upskilling will become the new baseline, the prerequisite for playing in the digital future.

Podcasts over blogs

Podcasts, once the underdog to blogs, are poised for a boom. With a vast, untapped audience and creative freedom, they offer a unique space for brands to connect and entertain. Email blasts and ad swaps become the pickaxes chipping away at the blogosphere’s dominance, paving the way for a world where storytelling takes centre stage.

Businesses will focus on creating guardrails to mitigate AI risks

As Generative AI bursts onto the scene, whispers of its risks grow louder. But fear not, the domino of accountability is ready to steady the fall. Companies like Lenovo are leading the charge with robust governance policies and human-in-the-loop approaches, ensuring AI’s creative spark doesn’t ignite into an ethical inferno.

The ROI Trend – Entertainment fuels the social ROI engine

Forget ROI reports filled with jargon. Consumers yearn for brands that entertain, not lecture. Hootsuite’s Social Trends Survey 2024 paints a clear picture: people crave brands that are relatable, not self-promoting. The domino of entertainment marketing falls, fueled by laughter, shared experiences, and a dash of emotional resonance.

Transitioning from Ads to Subscriptions

The ad-based revenue model, once the digital kingdom’s crown jewel, is starting to wobble. Platforms like X, Facebook, and Instagram are testing the waters of user fees, hinting at a future where subscriptions reign supreme. This domino’s fall will be a test for marketers, a chance to adapt and forge new paths to monetization.

The Future of Privacy-First AdTech

Data privacy, once a niche concern, is now a global movement. The domino of stricter regulations, led by GDPR and CCPA, is gathering momentum. In Australia, the Online Privacy Bill promises to reshape the digital landscape, demanding transparency and accountability from all players. Indian Marketers should also prepare to pivot!

Chatbots in Marketing

Chatbots, AI’s friendly (well, sometimes) faces, are popping up everywhere. They can be marketing superheroes, offering 24/7 support and personalized interactions. But beware the robotic dead-end! The key is crafting engaging, human-infused conversations. Friend or foe? You write the script.

Voice Search and SEO

As voice assistants like Siri and Alexa become household companions, the way we search for information takes a dramatic turn. The voice search domino, fueled by conversational language and long-tail keywords, will demand SEO strategies that cater to the rhythm of spoken queries. Businesses that ignore it risk being lost in the silent digital ether.

So, there you have it – the digital domino rally of 2024. Each trend, a catalyst for change, poised to reshape our online landscape. Stay tuned, dear reader, for this is just the beginning. The fall is about to commence, and we’re all watching, breathless, as the future unfolds before our eyes.

Your Ultimate Marketing ToolKit for making this season bright and merry for your brands

  • Craft a captivating holiday narrative that unfolds across your digital platforms. This helps engage users and keeps them hooked for the entire season!
  • Ensure that you’ve planned your content around the holiday season – this helps increase reach and engagement!
  • Code word SSS – Secret Santa Shenanigans! Buddy up with businesses or influencers for a cheerful cross-promotional campaign!
  • Ensure timely engagement with popular influencers for holiday collaborations by proactively shortlisting, reaching out, and securing commitments well in advance!
  • Shortlist holiday-themed design elements, plan moodboards with festive colours (red, green, gold), incorporate thematic typography and iconography for a seasonal vibe!
  • Make an ultimate collection/playlist of trending reel music to be used for the holiday season promotion. Hit play on our Reel Holiday Playlist and let the festive beats light up your celebrations!

Diwali Campaign Talk over

Every brand needs a story that resonates with its audience. As Diwali approaches, many companies have come through with advertisements that highlight various aspects of the festival of lights, from the tales that come from it to highlight the lesser-seen aspects of it.

In this TalkOver, we’ll discuss some of our favorite Diwali campaigns. Marketers highlighting what we love about marketing!

Today we will explore brilliant Diwali campaigns from Luminous and Real Fruit Powers conceived by our very own team! Discover how these ads struck an emotional chord by embodying the festival’s deeper meaning. Let’s get into what exactly made these ads brighten our day.


Since they are a company that deals in lights and electricity, the expectations for Diwali campaigns from Luminous are high, and they definitely met them this year. The story is simple, brought to life by well-done shots and metaphorical language, exploring how Diwali isn’t just a festival, but a day of hope for a better future.

The ad follows a driver working for a wealthy family. On Diwali, he has no time to be there in person for his own family, pausing only to make sure his house has a light, not for celebration, but for education. He must make sure his daughter receives all the support possible to become a doctor. He toils endlessly and his struggles are rewarded by a Diwali bonus by his employer; the gift of light. This time, both for celebration and education. A straightforward story, but 3.5 million views in merely a week shows the importance of including stories that have a bit of everything associated with Diwali.

The campaign stressed the importance of family, ideals of sacrifice, and generosity, and brought a fitting ending of a happy daughter looking up at recently installed Diwali lights, brightening her face. Those lights weren’t just a moment of happiness but resembled an entire world of possibilities.

Real Fruit Power

Whereas Real Fruit Power also won the hearts of 8.9 million viewers. In the heartfelt Real Fruit Power advertisement, a dedicated constable goes above and beyond, delivering Diwali hampers to his colleagues and commissioner while skipping his lunch upon a call from his superior.

While everyone relishes being home during Diwali, Alok has no off and he is supposed to serve the night shift, After delivering the hampers and completing his task he briefly visits his family, leaving them unaware of his duty-bound absence. His joyous children and wife look forward to celebrating Diwali with Alok but little do they know that Alok won’t be able to, saddened by this he’s interrupted by a doorbell – it’s his Madam Sir.

Worried, Alok questions if he missed anyone, but Madam Sir smiles and says ‘Jo humari greetings sab tak pohochata hai uske liye real greetings to banti hai’ emphasizing the significance of reaching out to those closest to us.

The ad’s core message urges acknowledging and caring for our closest aides, reminding us amidst gifting loved ones that those who truly support us also deserve recognition.

This Diwali, extend gratitude through Dabur Real Greetings, sharing the gift of fruit nutrition with those who genuinely care.  Real Fruit Power ad profoundly resonates with its audience, imparting a touching message likely to linger in the hearts of viewers.


Both campaigns deliver a strong yet touching message to the viewers, prompting their emotions to take action for the welfare of others.

These ads are exactly why we choose to be marketers. They go beyond Diwali being a single day and expand it into something that can ignite a flame in people to not only achieve their goals but also share their humanity. A feeling everyone needs.

Choosing a winner between these two campaigns is hard, but watching them was a pleasure. What do you think? Let us know which campaign lit up your day!

A Beginner’s Guide To Client Servicing

Hey there, fellow newcomers to the world of client servicing! If you’re like me, you might feel a mix of excitement and nervousness in this role. I am here to share my experience as a new Client Servicing Manager and offer you some beginner-friendly tips for client servicing. 

Here are a few pointers to help you navigate this challenging yet rewarding journey:

  1. Embrace Your New Role:

The first thing to know about this role is that it is all about building and maintaining relationships. It’s not just about selling products or services; it’s about making sure your clients feel valued, heard, and supported throughout their journey with your company. Remember, you are the bridge between your company and the client. 

  1. Explore Your Client’s World:

Start by immersing yourself in the world of your clients. Research is key; knowing about their industry, and understanding their needs and unique challenges, is just the tip of the iceberg. The more you understand your clients, the better you can serve them. Be genuinely interested in their success, and it will go a long way in building trust.

  1. Master the Art of Communication:

Clear and open communication is the backbone of client servicing. Regular check-ins, updates, and feedback sessions are essential. I’ve found that proactive communication often prevents misunderstandings and keeps your clients feeling secure and informed.

  1. Set Realistic Expectations:

The mantra to live by is to under-promise and over-deliver! Setting realistic expectations is crucial. Clients appreciate honesty and transparency. 

  1. Handle Complaints and Challenges Gracefully:

Errors are part and parcel of life, and client grievances are inevitable. What’s important is how you handle them. Don’t shy away from problems; embrace them as opportunities to strengthen your relationship. Lend an ear to your clients, take responsibility when due, and work together to find solutions. 

  1. Know the Power of ‘No’:

It’s easy to fall into the habit of perpetually saying ‘yes’ to clients, but sometimes, it’s in their best interest for you to utter ‘no’. If a request is outside the scope of what your company can reasonably provide, or if it jeopardises the quality of your service, it’s better to be honest and suggest an alternative solution. 

  1. Manage Your Time Wisely:

Balancing multiple clients can be challenging. Prioritise tasks and create a schedule that allows you to give each client the attention they deserve. Time management skills are crucial to preventing burnout and maintaining client satisfaction.

  1. Celebrate Your Wins:

Don’t forget to celebrate your victories, no matter how small they may seem. Your clients are partners in your journey, and celebrating together can strengthen your bond.

My Personal Experience:

In my journey as a client servicing manager, I’ve had my fair share of challenges and successes. I’ve learned that the key to success in this role is to genuinely care about your clients and their goals. Like I said before, it’s not just about providing a service; it’s about building lasting relationships. 

I’ve also discovered that every client is unique, and one size doesn’t fit all. Tailoring your approach to each client’s individual needs and preferences is vital. Building trust takes time, but once you have it, your clients will become your most significant advocates. 

In conclusion, client servicing is not a cakewalk. It’s complex and requires a combination of skills. With the right approach and a supportive team by our side, you can do wonders in this role. 

So, embrace the exciting journey, and don’t forget to have fun, learn, and grow along the way! 

Going Viral– Targeting Gen Z and Gen Alpha the right way

The world of marketing is constantly evolving, making it essential for brands to stay on top of the latest trends that connect with their audience. It is critical to understand how to target Gen Z and Gen Alpha now, as they are the next large wave of customers that brands need to pay attention to.

Gen Zers are born between the mid-1990s and mid-2010s and are characterised as a digitally native, socially conscious, and pragmatic group. While Gen Alpha, born after 2010, is the first generation of the 21st century and has grown up in an era where technology and social media have become ubiquitous. Both of these generations have unique perspectives on life and their expectations from it, so understanding what they relate to and why they engage with certain content could really broaden a brand’s reach.

Ways for you to consider when targeting Gen Z and Gen Alpha:

Craft Compelling Content Strategies to Engage and Connect


Gen Z and Gen Alpha are connected through social media, so it is critical to have a strong, distinct, and creative content strategy. Because brands can interact with and engage their customers

Partnering with social media influencers can also influence these generations. However, it’s essential to cultivate emotional connections with customers through storytelling

Here’s how brands use storytelling to connect with customers:

  • Old Spice is an excellent example as it refocused its marketing strategy to target women, with an unconventional ad campaign called “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like”.
  • Huggies’ “No Baby Unhugged” campaign promotes skin-to-skin contact between mothers and newborns and emotionally connects with moms. 
  • Pantaloons focused on the Durga Puja and Diwali fervour by releasing a video advertisement Pantaloons Festive Fashion, which captured the essence of first love and it doesn’t get more beautiful than this.

Embrace Diversity and Inclusion

As times change and social consciousness grows, so must the inclusion of people of all genders and backgrounds. Brands’ content must be relatable and appealing to all segments of their target audience, including previously marginalised voices. 

It is critical to create content that represents a diverse range of communities and to engage with influencers from a variety of backgrounds. Brands that value diversity and inclusivity will not only appeal to Gen Z and Gen Alpha but will also have a positive social impact.

Here’s how brands include diversity and inclusion:

  • Microsoft’s “We All Win” Super Bowl ad showcased its Xbox Adaptive Controller for differently abled children, which won multiple Clio awards. 
  • Axe’s 2016 commercial argues that masculinity is about being confident in one’s own identity, rather than being a stereotypical buff athlete.

Provide a Seamless User Experience

Image source:

Growing up in the digital age, both generations expect more seamlessness in their user experiences. Develop anything that’s user-friendly and mobile-optimised, GenZ and Alpha are here for it.

Moreover, these generations prefer interactive content that provides value. Brands need to make sure their websites and applications are easy to navigate, offer relevant and informative content, and have a quick loading speed. (Extra wait time is so not cool.) This will help to retain their attention and build brand loyalty.

Here’s how some brands are providing smooth and engaging user experiences:

  • Apple’s website is easy to navigate and provides clear information on counterfeits and scams, making it a great resource for customers.
  • Nike’s website is well-designed and organised, allowing customers to view products and services that suit their needs.

Build Experiential Relationships

Image source:

Exploring new technologies is a definitive trait among both generations. So, make sure to integrate augmented reality and virtual reality into your marketing strategies, to stay current and, more importantly, to make it experiential.

For instance, using virtual reality to showcase a product or service in a 3D environment can help these generations visualise it better. Similarly, augmented reality filters on Snapchat and Instagram can be an engaging way to connect with this audience.

Here’s how brands include augmented reality and virtual reality.

  • IKEA uses AR to help shoppers test and visualise products before making a purchase, offering tools like the IKEA Place app and IKEA Home planner to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Sephora offers an in-store virtual try-on kiosk for customers to test products on themselves before buying them, as it is difficult to know if they’ll like them online.

Offer Personalised Experiences

Image source: The Spotify Community

Gen Z and Gen Alpha have seen a surge in highly specific and niche content, embracing every personality and identity. = This has put the collection of data from consumers, analysis of their preferences, and purchasing behaviour on the map, to provide them with super personalised recommendations.

Here’s how brands offer personalised experiences.

  • Spotify’s “Discover Weekly” is a curated playlist of tracks based on a user’s “taste profile” and the most popular playlists.
  • Netflix’s content recommendations use machine learning algorithms to personalise content and keep subscribers paying for the service.

Successfully targeting Gen Z and Gen Alpha calls for brands to step up their virtual presence through social media, embrace more diverse perspectives, provide a seamless user experience, experiment with new technology, and offer personalised experiences. These generations have unique perspectives and expectations, and by slipping into their shoes, brands can build a strong and lasting connection with them.


Trends to look out for in 2023

2022—what a year it has been! From Twitter going through a management shift to Instagram trying features like notes to BeReal trying to redefine social media, it has been quite a journey.

With all of these swift changes, predicting trends for 2023 might be a task, but we will take our shot. So here are a few trends brands can leverage in 2023 to break through the clutter. 

  1. Social SEO will replace hashtags 

Over 40% of people between the age of 18-24 are now using Social Media as their primary search engine. This means instead of using Google Maps or Google search engines, users are using Instagram or TikTok to discover places. So, it’s time for brands to buckle up for 2023 by adding some keywords in copy rather than relying only on hashtags. 

  1. Increase in User Generated Content (UGC)

UGC is an organic marketing tool that helps to create a direct connection with the customers and in building a brand-customer relationship. This means that as a brand, you should create campaigns that motivate your customers to create content because people trust other people. So, take it one step further in 2023 with user-generated content.

  1. A rise in Nano and Micro-Influencers 

With higher engagement rates and more audience connections, micro and nano influencers are on the rise. Their average engagement rate is 7%, which is 2% more than the mega-influencers.

Follower count isn’t the most important factor a brand should look for when choosing an influencer. Nano and micro-influencers have a loyal follower base within a targeted niche that can help them reach a more relevant audience and prove more valuable to a brand. So, consider including more nano and micro-influencers in your brand promotion.

  1. Content goes Full Size

What do you do when a horizontal video pops up on your phone? Do you tilt your phone or scroll past the video? Well, if you scroll past it, you are not alone!  About 94% of smartphone users hold their phones vertically, which means vertical videos have a higher completion rate than horizontal videos. So, stick to more of 9:16 (full-screen vertical) content in 2023. 

  1. Gaming becomes the new playground for advertisers

With the gaming industry on the rise and estimated to be worth $200.8 billion, in-game advertising is estimated to reach $17.6 million by 2023. Advertising in gaming is still an untapped market, but you might see brands dabble with it together in 2023.

  1. Authenticity is the new cool! 

With the increasing popularity of photo dumps, unfiltered pictures, and the growth of apps like BeReal, 2023 would see users consuming more authentic real-time content. For example, Lush Cosmetics has a YouTube channel with a series named “Lush How It’s Made” in which their employees explain each step of the manufacturing process in a YouTube video. This creates two-fold authenticity for the brand, as on one hand, the videos help make the ingredients and products more transparent, and on the other,  employee inclusion makes the company look more accessible to the audience. These YouTube videos not only make customers trust Lush Cosmetics more but also show the company’s value both implicitly and explicitly. So, in 2023, start posting more authentic real-time content to connect with your audience. 

These are just a few of the trends that are slated to dominate the Social Media landscape in 2023. Brands can leverage these trends to stay ahead of their competitors. But remember that Social Media is constantly changing, and the only way to grow is by constantly evolving.

Reference: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


The TalkOver: Nutella and Swiggy

Every advertisement campaign is designed to bring the audience closer to the brand, create a connection with them, and increase their recall value. 

We bring you The Talkover; this festive season, we’re talking about two Christmas campaigns that has really got us in the holiday mood.

Today, we are gushing over two of everyone’s favourite brands: Swiggy, known for its quirky, witty, and fun advertisements, and Nutella, known for its appetising, sweet, and warm content. 

Read on, and tell us which campaign is your favourite. 

Swiggy’s – Santa Open To Work Campaign

Swiggy has always created clever, humorous campaigns that struck a chord with people’s emotions. And their  #SantaOpenToWork campaign was precisely that. The campaign was a clever way of illustrating how gift-givers, like Santa, can outsource all of their delivery responsibilities to Swiggy Genie and start looking for other jobs.

It was a refreshing perspective on the holiday season. The main idea behind the campaign was to show how Swiggy Genie can take care of all deliverable orders, giving people time to do a lot of other things.

The advertisement showed Santa reaching out to thousands of potential employers via LinkedIn, internet ads, emails, business cards, posters, and even a video CV in order to find a new job. As part of the campaign, Swiggy made Santa’s fliers and business cards with a QR code with their Genie and Instamart orders. So, when someone scans the QR code, it will take them to a YouTube video of Santa discussing his resume like a pro. Swiggy also distributed unbranded tear-able posters across offices in order to target employers directly. They did this so that office workers could tear out the contact information and share it with each other and their HR departments to see Santa’s video CV online. They also made digital ads where people could view Santa’s video on different social media platforms. 

All of these small details made the campaign successful. While Santa is #OpenToWork and trying to find a job, Swiggy Genie is #OpenToDeliveries and spreading smiles! 

Nutella – Nutella With Love 

Nutella’s #NutellaWithLove campaign was launched to spread love and make the holidays more special. Nutella always tries to interact with consumers across India through their digital and traditional marketing techniques, bringing joy to the celebration.  

The advertisement, created for the Christmas campaign, focused on uniqueness and encouraged Nutella lovers to craft, share, and surprise their loved ones with personalised Nutella jars during the holiday season. 

The brand introduced energetic and loving Ranveer Singh as their Secret Santa, whose Nutella obsession is no secret to anyone. 

Through an exciting digital contest, the brand provided a platform for all Nutella enthusiasts to get their personalised wishes on Nutella jars and Christmas hampers. To do that, customers, had to visit the Nutella website, create a Nutella recipe, and share it on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #NutellaWithLove. A Nutella hamper was given to the top 25 most loved recipes.

Along with personalisation and consumer engagement, the brand also created a unique experience for Nutella fans by giving them access to limited-time collectible Christmas packs which were available in 350-gram variants with a QR code that redirected them to discover all the Nutella special content, like – DIY, Nutella recipes, and up-cycling tutorials, by simply scanning the QR code on the jar. Nutella lovers could choose their favourite Christmas dish with Nutella, bake it with love, and share it with their loved ones. 

In the end, both campaigns did an amazing job of leveraging social media platforms. While Swiggy took a witty turn to introduce its delivery services and made everyone smile with Santa’s wholesome video resume, Nutella went ahead and interacted with the customers by customising personalised Nutella jars for them. 

All in all, Christmas campaigns are known for spreading smiles and joy. So which Christmas campaign made you smile more: Swiggy or Nutella?


The TalkOver: Cadbury vs Coca-Cola

Every brand needs a story that strikes a chord with its audience. There are so many exciting marketing campaigns and commercials that not only help brands sell their products but also capture hearts through heartwarming stories. The TalkOver brings you some of our favorite campaigns of all time, told through our team members’ perspectives.

However, we’ll let YOU be the judge of it. Read on and tell us which is the better campaign according to you.

This time on the TalkOver, we’re gushing over these Diwali campaigns that have gotten everyone talking. On Team Cadbury is Jo, who picks Cadbury’s Diwali campaign while Kunika, on Team Coca-cola, picks Coca-cola’s Diwali campaign.

Let’s go!

Cadbury – Not just a Cadbury Ad

Cadbury Celebrations | Not Just A Cadbury Ad

Cadbury has always been a household name around the Diwali time and so have their ads. Their ads are relatable and connect with their audience instantly. This campaign however, connects with their audience on a whole other level! The Not just a Cadbury Ad campaign, starring the legendary actor– Shah Rukh Khan, (to me, that’s already a win) was released in Diwali, 2021 and conceptualized and executed in collaboration with, Ogilvy and Wavemaker.

The ad follows Shah Rukh Khan talking himself up with all the new things he’s bought for Diwali from the local shops around him and urging the audience to do the same. What’s special about this ad is that it was simply a template for any small business to use. With AI, businesses could have their products advertised by Shah Rukh Khan! Again, that’s a win in my books. But we have numbers to back this up!

The technology and thought behind this campaign was so unique and never done before, that these results seem inevitable–

  • 105k users logged on to the to create their own ads
  • 139k different versions of the ad were created and shared through social media

There isn’t a person in the country who wouldn’t have felt the repercussions of the pandemic. The Cadbury campaign resonates with its audience because of its honest intention to genuinely do some good. Be it the consumer or a business owner, the Cadbury campaign gives a glimmer of hope that drives a post-pandemic Diwali.

Not Just A Cadbury Ad, like its name, was aimed to look out not just for the identity of the brand but also for the many other businesses that went unidentified and unappreciated after the pandemic. The ads pushed for a good cause by helping lift up local shops, and is overall a well thought out campaign.

Coca-cola – Milke hi manegi Diwali

Coca-Cola | Follow the bottle

Coca-cola has always been synonymous with greeting guests in Indian households, more so on festive occasions like Diwali gettogethers, visits, parties, etc. (which usually happens when friends and family meet, in person). Coca-cola’s latest Diwali Campaign, ups this a notch by encouraging people to not just ‘greet’ but also ‘meet’ to celebrate Diwali. 

The best part of the campaign is the one-of-a-kind tech-driven packaging update which PROMISES/guarantees to bring people closer, much like depicted in the commercial! A special Bluetooth-enabled locked cap, that is programmed to open only in the presence of the sender’s mobile phone. A smart idea symbolizing an emotional promise made to meet in person.

The Campaign ad follows a young man working alone late at night, responding to various text greetings with happy emojis while looking pretty exhausted in reality. This is when he happens to see a Coca-Cola bottle attached to a red ribbon. He grabs a hold and follows the ribbon until he arrives at a Diwali party, reunited with his family to celebrate Diwali.

This is also specially impactful given this is the first Diwali after the pandemic when people can freely travel and meet their family without any fear of infection, breaking the two-year long period of ‘virtual greetings’. 

The campaign worked because it pulled on just the right strings of nostalgia and friendship. The audience feels the need to go a little over the top just to make meeting, after a whole pandemic, that much more special.

Overall, Coca-cola’s #MilkeManayengeDiwali 360-Campaign spoke for the whole Indian demographic celebrating Diwali this year in the physical presence of their families and loved ones. As promised by the creative masterminds behind the campaign, the ad provided a positive nudge for people to come closer together WITH a chilled coke, of course! 

In closing, both campaigns hit home in very different ways. While Coca-cola manages to rekindle friendships and bonds in the post-pandemic era, Cadbury manages to bring hope to businesses that struggled. Both campaigns brilliantly make use of tech in positive and innovative ways, pulling at your heartstrings. It’s tough to decide which brand did it better, so let’s just say Shah Rukh wins.

Which brand do you think aced their Diwali campaign? Are you on Team Coca-cola, Team Cadbury or Team Shah Rukh like us?